Community Staff Application Form
Discord Username and ID:
Full Name:
Previous & Alternative Discord usernames/accounts, Put N/A if none:
Date of Birth:
How many hours a week roughly can you contribute to the community?
Do you have a functional microphone?
Are you able to moderate FiveM?
No Username:
How long have you played FiveM & GTA V:
Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Explain:
Do you have 2FA enabled on your FiveM/ account?
What previous staffing experience do you have? if any:
What would you like to do for the staff team? (i.e. Discord Moderation, Ingame Moderation, Documentation updates, Developer, etc):
Do you currently play or staff on any other FiveM servers?
Do you have 2FA enabled on your Discord account?
Is there anything else you would like to include?