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LEO FTO | Guide & Procedures

This guide is designed for Field Training Officers (FTOs) and Evaluators responsible for training cadets. This document outlines the procedures and expectations to ensure a consistent and thorough training process across all law enforcement officers.

Recruits are to be respectful and obey all KCDOJRP rules during the training process. The instructor must abide by all the procedures laid out on this page.

Training Phases

  1. Application
  2. CAD Registration
  3. LEO Menu Introduction
  4. 10 Codes, David Codes, & Call-signs
  5. Radio Usage
  6. Driving Test
  7. Standard Traffic Stop
  8. Vehicle Pursuit
  9. Felony Traffic Stop
  10. Foot Pursuit
  11. Jailing & Reports
  12. Evaluation


Before a recruit can begin the training phase, they must submit and have their application accepted. Ensure the recruit has followed the steps outlined in the Getting Started guide.

Once the application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the department heads, training officers, and KCRP staff. Upon acceptance, the recruit will receive probationary roles and be asked to open a ticket in the #information channel in Discord to schedule their training.

CAD Registration

Recruits must be registered in the CAD. After registration:

  1. The recruit should create an officer profile here.
  2. In your open ticket on Discord please ask a staff member to accept the recruit's officer in the CAD.
  3. While waiting for CAD acceptance, proceed with other training sections. Return to this section once the CAD registration is confirmed.
  4. The training officer is to show the recruit the basics in the CAD of how to Run Names, Plates, Create Calls, Write Tickets, and write reports.

LEO Menu Introduction

Guide the recruit through the in-game LEO menu, covering the following functions:

  • Actions:
    • Dragging a player.
    • Cuffing a player.
    • Placing a player into a vehicle.
    • Deploying and operating spike strips.
    • Checking BAC of a player.
    • Tackling a player(Shift+W+E)
  • Speed Zones:
    • Creating and removing speed zones.
  • Wardrobe:
    • Uniforms and their appropriate use.
  • Vehicles:
    • Probationary deputies are restricted to the first three vehicles on the list.

10 Codes, David Codes, & Call-signs

Review the Radio Callsigns, Codes, and Alphabet with the recruit. Ensure they understand the standard communication codes used in the department.

Additionally, review the Directory for a better understanding of departmental structure and their colleges.

You should also go over basic procedures and terminology at this points, For Ex. What is a Felony Traffic Stop (Code 5).

Radio Usage

Teach the recruit how to access and operate the radio:

  • Command: /radio
  • Channel: 155 MHZ

Ensure the recruit is comfortable with radio communication before moving on to the next phase.

Driving Test

Conduct the driving test starting at Fort Zancudo:

  1. Use a LEO vehicle to navigate various areas within the base.
  2. Set up a cone course to test basic maneuvering.
  3. Once the base course is completed, have the recruit drive to various named locations around the map from memory.

This phase also tests the recruit's knowledge of the GTA V map.

Standard Traffic Stop

  • The training officer should be using a brightly colored ford explorer of the department in training for with the plate "12ABC34" and name "John Doe"
  • The recruit should be using a standard LEO vehicle for the department in training for.
  1. Return to Fort Zancudo for traffic stop training.
  2. An instructor or helper will simulate a speeding vehicle for the recruit to stop.
  3. The recruit initiates a traffic stop and properly clocks the speeding vehicle using radar (F5).
  4. Positioning: The recruit should angle their vehicle, leaving half a car length from the stopped vehicle.
  5. Proper radio communication must be used to contact dispatch (instructor acts as dispatch).
  6. Approach the vehicle safely, avoiding standing between the vehicles.
  7. The recruit should professionally engage with the driver, gather necessary information, and run it in the CAD.
  8. Issue a verbal warning in this scenario.
  • The training officer is not to be combative or aggressive during the traffic stop.
  • The recruit will make radio calls as outlined in LEO First Shift (Without Dispatch)

Vehicle Pursuit

Simulate a scenario where the speeding vehicle fails to yield:

  1. The recruit should engage in a pursuit, following all traffic laws and maintaining personal and public safety.
  2. After a reasonable period, the vehicle will stop, moving into the next phase.

Felony Traffic Stop

The recruit will conduct a felony (Code 5) traffic stop on the previously fleeing vehicle:

  1. Utilize proper procedures to ensure officer safety.
  2. The recruit should communicate effectively and control the scene.

Foot Pursuit

Simulate a foot pursuit:

  1. The suspect will flee on foot after stopping the vehicle and attempting a felony stop.
  2. The recruit must decide on the appropriate course of action, following KCRP policies.
  3. Demonstrate the tackle function: (Shift + Forward + E) when close to the suspect.
  4. The recruit should successfully apprehend the suspect, adhering to all rules and procedures.

Note: Lethal force is not authorized during this training phase.

Jailing & Reports

Instruct the recruit to:

  1. Complete an accurate and truthful arrest report in the CAD.
  2. Process the suspect, including filing charges and transporting them to the Sandy Shores jail.


At the end of the training, evaluate the recruit based on their performance across all phases:

  • A recruit is allowed 3 minor mistakes per phase and only 3 major mistakes throughout the entire process, or 1 critical mistake.
  • Failing this process requires the recruit to review the documentation and restart the training.
  • Multiple failures necessitate resubmission of the initial application.

Based on this evaluation three things can happen.

  1. The recruit will be prompted to a standard LEO and be permitted to patrol on their own.
  • This is reserve for nearly perfect passes on this training.
  1. The recruit will have passed the training with some mistakes.
  • The recruit will be required to patrol with a full LEO until promoted by a supervisor.
  1. The recruit failed the training.
  • If a recruit has failed this training phase they will be notified and roles/access will be revoked. The recruit must wait 2 weeks to re-apply and will be asked to study the documentation before re-applying.

Final Notes

  • Ensure recruits are respectful and follow all KCRP rules during training.
  • FTOs must adhere to these procedures to maintain training consistency.
  • After successful training, recruits are ready for active duty under probation.